New versions of JMatPro® and the MPO are available - please see our news page or get in touch for more information

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Core Product

JMatPro® is a simulation software which calculates a wide range of materials properties for alloys and is particularly aimed at multi-component alloys used in industrial practice.

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Full Details

Full Details

JMatPro® can calculate:
  • Stable and metastable phase equilibria
  • Solidification behaviour and properties
  • Mechanical properties
  • Thermo-physical and physical properties
  • Phase transformations
  • Chemical properties
How it works:

JMatPro® includes a Java based user interface, with calculation modules using C/C++, and will run under any Windows OS.

JMatPro® has been designed so that it can be used by any engineer or scientist that requires materials properties as part of their everyday work. To this end, we take great care in the following points:

  • Extensive validation of the models to ensure sound predictions of the properties.
  • Fast and robust calculations.
  • Ease of use due to an intuitive user interface.
  • Extensive on-line help facility.

The documents below will give you more detailed information relating to JMatPro® features:

A general flyer on JMatPro®
List of elements and phases taken into account for each material type
A summary table of available JMatPro® properties calculations per material type
Quick JMatPro® Presentation
Performing TTT & CCT calculations in JMatPro®
Performing Phase Equilibrium Calculations in JMatPro®


The development of JMatPro® started in 1999 and was initially funded by an international consortium of companies and institutions who were looking into extending the use of thermodynamic databases to develop the capability to predict a wide range of physical and mechanical properties for complex alloys.

Sente Software Ltd. was created in 2001 to take responsibility for the long term commercial development of JMatPro®. It now leads the development of the new scientific capabilities in JMatPro® alongside the development of its powerful graphical user interface.

All of our products combine industrial relevance with realistic physical models and user-friendly interfaces.

We have a proven track record for innovation and our products incorporate a thorough validation process.

Latest Software Releases

Latest Software Releases

Please see the links below to read all about the changes made in the latest version releases of JMatPro®, the JMatPro® API and the JMatPro® Material Property Optimiser (MPO) :

September 2024
MPO version 2.0 released
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Version 2.0 (September 2024)
  • Extended design space to include processing variables: heat treatment temperature, austenitisation temperature, cooling rate, and holding temperature/time
  • Implemented calculation of mechanical properties for aluminium alloys, general steels, and Ni- and NiFe-based superalloys
  • Added a casting route for the calculation of thermodynamic and physical properties
  • Added new module "Cast Iron"
  • Extended objective space to include many more properties: average expansion coefficient, solidification range, hot cracking susceptibility, growth restriction factor, room-temperature yield stress, tensile stress, and hardness, rupture stress/life, average bond order and orbital energy level
  • Further extended objective space to include user-defined properties as a function of temperature and alloy composition
  • Updated the thermodynamic and properties databases to match those included in JMatPro v14.0
  • Fixed a minor bug preventing some popup components from working properly
September 2024
JMatPro® Version 14.5 released

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Version 14.5

  • Fixed inconsistencies in units in Abaqus export

April 2024
API version 8.1 released

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Version 8.1
  • Implemented a more efficient algorithm to accelerate the calculation of flow stress curves.

  • Improved calculation of the elastic limit point in stress-strain curves.

  • Improved model and fixed inconsistencies in strength calculations for aluminium alloys.

Version 8.0.1
  • corrected typo in parameter for mechanical properties of some Aluminium alloys
Version 8.0
  • Implemented a back diffusion model for steels in the Solver and Solidification modules.
  • Extended the Solidification module with a quench from back diffusion model for steels and titanium alloys, improved existing quench models, and implemented a variant of the quench from Scheil-Gulliver model for titanium alloys.
  • Added specific heat and latent heat of formation for each of the austenite decomposition products to the output of a Solidification calculation using the quench from Scheil-Gulliver model for steels and white cast irons.
  • Extended the Cooling module for titanium alloys.
  • Extended high-temperature strength and flow stress calculations in the Mechanical module for general steels in the tempered condition.
  • Improved calculation of latent heat of formation of ferrite from austenite.
  • Reassessed creep for BCC phase in steels.
  • Improved creep and rupture strength models for nickel-based alloys.
  • Added new dislocation cutting mechanism in aluminium alloys kinetics.
  • Remodelled age hardening for Al3Sc phase in aluminium alloys.
  • Improved stability of the thermodynamic solver.
  • Updated the thermodynamic and properties databases to match those included in JMatPro v14.0.
  • Adjusted the Al thermodynamic database.
  • Reassessed molar volume of Ti2Cu and Ti2Ni phases for titanium alloys.
  • Fixed possible failure in aluminium strength calculations.
  • Fixed possible failure in high-temperature strength calculations for general steels.
April 2024
JMatPro® version 14.3 released

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Version 14.3

  • Improved calculation of elastic limit point in stress-strain curves

  • Improved model and fixed inconsistencies in Al alloys strength calculations
  • Implemented a more efficient algorithm to accelerate the calculation of flow-stress curves
  • fixed bug stopping the running calculation when saving data to a mat file

  • fixed possible failing calculation in Reaustenitisation Properties when temperature unit in Fahrenheit

Version 14.2

  • changed name of intermediary file in creep calculation to fix rare issue with local rules on file extensions

Version 14.1

  • removed confusing phase labels in back-diffusion profile plot
  • corrected typo in a parameter for mechanical properties of some Aluminium alloys
  • corrected links in documentation
  • fixed auto-diagnostics of failed write permissions not working
  • fixed path to user data files when added in material browser
  • added forgotten CU phase in General Steels Simultaneous Precipitation calculation

Version 14.0

  • addition of a back-diffusion option in the solidification of General Steels and Stainless Steels
  • internal overhaul of solidification calculation for General Steels and Stainless Steels
  • new dendrite arm spacing model for General Steels and Stainless Steels
  • improved calculation of latent heat of formation of Ferrite from Austenite
  • consideration of tempered alloy condition in High Temperature Strength calculation for General Steels
  • improved creep and rupture strength model in Nicked based alloys
  • overhaul of the kinetic calculations for Nickel based superalloys (TTT,CCT, isothermal)
    a) consideration of phase transitions of GAMMA" -> DELTA and CAMMA' -> ETA in isothermal kinetics
    b) consideration of DELTA/ETA formation at grain boundaries and within grains (intragranular precipitation)
    c) consideration of grain size effect
  • re-assessment of pipe diffusion in precipitation kinetics
  • new dislocation cutting mechanism in Aluminium alloys kinetics
  • new solidification model for Titanium alloys
  • improved TTT/CCT/isothermal calculations for Al3Sc phase in Aluminium alloys
  • new modelling of age hardening calculations for Al3Sc phase in Aluminium alloys
  • addition of Schaeffler diagrams for Stainless Steels
  • added paste back of local composition from solidification or back-diffusion calculations to be used as the main composition
  • modified homogenisation model
  • added possibility to select dendrite geometry in homogenisation calculation also when no back-diffusion is considered
  • addition of homogenisation calculations to General Steels and Stainless Steels
  • new re-assessed creep for BCC in steels
  • improved model for the simultaneous precipitation of maraging steels
  • consideration of CU phase in the simultaneous precipitation of powerplant steels
  • addition of user-profile in the homogenisation calculations
  • allowed selection of a single strain rate in the Flow Stress Analysis of Aluminium alloys
  • improved data export from back-diffusion profile plots
  • improved stability of the thermodynamic solver
  • removed misleading cooling curve from Solidification calculations when back diffusion is enabled
  • better process control to avoid sub-calculations to remain in memory (the “s” key)
  • auto-check of missing write permissions in installation
  • auto-check and correction of some corruption in the user preferences file
  • updated Sentinel software used for licensing
  • Adjustments in the Aluminium alloys thermodynamic database
  • fixed Ti2Cu and Ti2Ni molar volume (Titanium Alloys)
  • added export to Ansys Workbench xml file for all material types
  • added nitriding and carbo-nitriding export to Transvalor SIMHEAT®
  • added InspireCast export for white and grey Cast Iron
  • extended export (liquidus/solidus/latent heat) for Simufact software
  • extended export for COMSOL Multiphysics®
  • fixed back calculation of precipitates sizes for NiFe Superalloys in high temperature strength calculation when both GAMMA' and  GAMMA" are present and input of room temperature property is tensile stress or hardness
  • fixed LS-Dyna export failing when back diffusion is used
  • fixed possible Aluminium strength calculation failure
  • fixed possible failing calculation in high temperature strength of General Steels
  • fixed possible failing calibration calculation in Forming Limit Diagrams
  • fixed rare failing Aluminium cast strength calculation
  • fixed wrong colour definition
  • fixed possible failure when clicking on a mechanical properties plot
  • fixed immediate display of the phase boundary control option if selected
  • fixed usage of TTT shift factors in the Quench Properties calculation of General Steels with calibrated TTT diagrams
  • fixed issue related to the temperature unit change in the cooling curve given with Solidification calculations
  • fixed a possible visual refresh glitch when deleting a folder in the material browser

April 2023
JMatPro® Version 13.3 released
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Version 13.3 (April 2023)
  • for General Steels, fixed an uncommon incomplete or failing export of TTT data to Transvalor software and COMSOL Multiphysics® when one phase (Ferrite, Pearlite, Bainite) does not appear at all
  • fixed an uncommon error preventing phases to be found in TTT/CCT calculations for Ni superalloys
Version 13.2 (August 2022)

(Please note that the changes in version 13.2 only affect General Steels and Fe alloy users)

  • fixed General Steels THERCAST export always using default phases transformation input data
  • fixed General Steels Reaustenitisation Properties calculation failing with user profile
Version 13.1 (June 2022)
  • improved Cu effect in Al alloys mechanical properties
  • improved assessment of kinetics in Al alloys for some phases
  • added pdf documentation for Al-T8 heat treatment
  • added Austenitisation temperature input for THERCAST casting export in General Steels
  • fixed solidification calculation in Al alloys containing Oxygen
  • completed and corrected physical properties for TIM_B2 phase in Ti alloys
  • fixed a possible failed export for DEFORM-HT
  • fixed a possible bad calculation for Jominy Hardenability and Quench Properties calculations
  • fixed Simufact-Additive export preventing multiple calculations
Version 13.0 (December 2021)
  • extension of re-austenitisation (phases and properties) and TTA curves calculations to hypereutectoid steels
  • extension of magnetic permeability calculations to hypereutectoid steels
  • calculation of rupture strength of tempered power plant type steels - added to the "Simultaneous Precipitation" calculation for carbide-strengthened steels
  • addition of CLUSTER phase to Metastable phases - TTT/CCT - isothermal calculations for Al alloys
  • improved model for TTA calculations (revised T_ferrite calculation)
  • improved model for Stainless Steel solidification
  • remodelled contribution of particles at grain boundaries to rupture life in Ni alloys
  • added T8 age hardening calculations for Al wrought alloys
  • added T4, T5 and T6 age hardening calculations for Al cast alloys
  • new modelling of TTT/CCT/isothermal/age hardening calculations for 6xxx Al alloys
  • addition of calculation of RT strength of Al alloys after exposure to higher temperature at multiple isothermal temperatures instead of one at a time
  • addition of user defined profiles to Ti cooling properties
  • improved calculation of fracture toughness of steels with effect of nitrides and excessive Si
  • improved calculation of the elastic limit (point of the stress-strain curve at 0 strain)
  • variable number of significant figures show when a graph point is clicked and values are given (better precision for small values)
  • allowed phase boundaries control in "Extended General physical properties" for difficult calculations
  • improved tempering calculations: austenite can now be stable at the tempering temperature
  • improved coarsening, stability model and new strength model in Simultaneous Precipitation calculations and added choice of phases
  • improved martensite tempering model for plain carbon and alloyed steels
  • improved Forming Limit Diagram model with consideration of anisotropy and order of yield surface
  • re-assessed yield strength <-> tensile strength <-> hardness inter-conversions for steels
  • labelled magnetic permeability as maximum in graphs when relevant.
  • added average expansion coefficient to properties displayed in general steels Quench Properties
  • better implementation of number of points per decade in flow-stress analysis
  • new printing mechanism
  • new location of index files
  • new documentation on all thermodynamic databases
  • added NiW and Ni6Si2B phase to Ni thermodynamic database
  • adjusted MC phase in Ni and Co thermodynamic databases
  • added Al12Mo to Al thermodynamic database
  • added CLUSTER metastable phase to Al thermodynamic database
  • adjusted MgRE12 phase in Mg thermodynamic database
  • re-assessed thermal conductivity contribution for Cu and Si in FCC phase
  • re-assessed thermal conductivity for Mg alloys with significant Al content
  • for Ti alloys, new export for Simufact Additive
  • for general Steels, new export for DANTE® Heat Treatment Simulation software
  • for general steels, extended COMSOL Multiphysics® export with transformation data
  • added data for heating transformation in DEFORM-HT export and extended data exported to higher temperatures
  • new and improved Sysweld and ProCast export format
  • improved and corrected Ansys export (ENTH unit changed to J/m^3 and temperature unit can be chosen)
  • fixed coarsening calculation at high temperatures for NiFe superalloys reporting overestimated coarsening rate for Gamma'
  • fixed fracture toughness calculation failing because of secondary phases appearing
  • fixed minor inaccuracies in permeability calculation
  • fixed failing calculation in cast-iron solidification when temperature unit is F
  • fixed bug in quench properties calculations occurring with some user-defined profiles
  • fixed missing phases details for Young's, bulk, shear moduli as well as thermal conductivity for white cast iron solidification
  • fixed wrong fixed temperature information exported when exporting a flow stress analysis data at varying strain rate
  • fixed inconsistency in welding cycle
  • fixed possible problems from location of files in non-standard installation
June 2022
API version 7.1 released
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JMatPro® API v7.1, June 2022
  • Extended Mechanical module with the calculation of tempered hardness for general steels

  • Improved Cu effect in the mechanical properties of aluminium alloys

  • Improved assessment of kinetics for some phases of aluminium alloys

  • Completed and corrected physical properties for TIM_B2 phase of titanium alloys

  • Fixed Solidification calculations for aluminium alloys containing oxygen

  • Fixed a possible issue affecting Cooling calculations

  • Added full Python wrapper and sample code for all available modules

JMatPro® API v7.0, December 2021
  • Improved quench from Scheil-Gulliver solidification model for steels to deal with cases where austenite only appears in the solid state

  • Reassessed yield strength <-> tensile strength <-> hardness interconversions for steels

  • Extended Mechanical module for aluminium alloys, including the calculation of room-temperature and high-temperature strength, as well as flow stress and age hardening curves

  • Remodelled contribution of particles at grain boundaries to rupture life in Ni alloys

  • Improved calculation of the elastic limit (point of the stress-strain curve at 0 strain)

  • Moved jmpSetQuenchRate() to the Core module

  • Added function to toggle elastic region in flow stress curves on or off

  • Changed the strain rate decade subdivision method used in high-temperature strength and flow stress calculations to produce nicer values

  • Updated the thermodynamic and properties databases to match those included in JMatPro® v13.0

  • Added NIW and NI6SI2B phases to Ni thermodynamic database

  • Adjusted MC phase in Ni and Co thermodynamic databases

  • Added AL12MO phase to Al thermodynamic database

  • Added CLUSTER metastable phase to Al thermodynamic database

  • Adjusted MGRE12 phase in Mg thermodynamic database

  • Reassessed thermal conductivity contribution for Cu and Si in FCC phase

  • Reassessed thermal conductivity for magnesium alloys with significant Al content

  • Fixed bug in Cooling calculations occurring with some user-defined profiles

  • Fixed mismatching problems in Solidification calculations using the quench from Scheil-Gulliver model for steels or white cast irons with out-of-step austenitisation temperatures

  • Fixed missing reset in Solidification calculations using the quench from Scheil-Gulliver model for steels, which could lead to wrong behaviour for ferritic steels with secondary phases

Want to start using JMatPro®?

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JMatPro® API

Incorporate specific functionality of the JMatPro® software into your own applications.


JMatPro® Material Property Optimiser (MPO)

A powerful optimisation tool for the design of multi-component alloys.